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God is who He says He is! God will do what He says He will do! Your circumstance does not change how Great God is!


Saturday, April 9, 2011

DiGiorno Pizza Party by Houseparty.com

I was recently given the opportunity to host a DiGiorno Pizza party from houseparty.com. This is a portion of what they sent for us to enjoy an awesome night with our friends. They provided us with coupons for FREE DiGiorno pizza and coupons for our guest to receive a discount, too.

The night started with some "hoops" in the yard while the pizza was cooking. The kids had a blast, as well as the adults. The pizza was wonderful. We tried the combination pizza and wyngz, as well as, the pizza and cookies. It was nice to be able to offer my guests a variety of pizza and chicken with dessert! Everyone was so excited they would be able to buy some for their families with the coupons included.

Thank you, House Party for a great night! If you would like to be considered to be a host for one of their many parties, go to http://houseparty.com/events and register today!

*As a host for houseparty.com , I received coupons and accessories to complete the party required of me as a selected host. No money was exchanged. I received these gifts in exchange for my blog posting and website requirements.